Commercial Roof Repair in Pico Rivera

Commercial roof repair in Pico Rivera presents its own unique set of challenges and requirements compared to residential roof repair. Commercial roofs are typically larger, have different materials and designs, and may be subjected to heavier foot traffic and equipment installations. The importance of hiring a specialist for a commercial roof repair cannot be overstated.

Commercial Roof Repair In Pico Rivera

Rob Roofing understands the complexities of commercial roofing systems, have the expertise to diagnose and address commercial-specific issues, and possess the necessary equipment to handle larger-scale repairs. Get help to effectively navigate building codes and regulations, ensure minimal disruption to business operations, and get tailored solutions to maximize the longevity and functionality of commercial roofs. Choose us for a safe and durable roof that protects your valuable assets and supports the success of your commercial enterprise.

Parts of Your Commercial Roof That Might Need Repair

Several parts of a commercial roof may require repair depending on the specific issues or damage present. Here are some common areas that often require attention during commercial roof repair:

Roof Membrane

The roof membrane is the primary waterproofing layer of the roof and can include materials such as single-ply membranes (TPO, PVC, EPDM), built-up roofing (BUR), or modified bitumen. Damage to the membrane, such as punctures, tears, or seam separations, may necessitate repair.


Flashing is used to seal joints and transitions in the roof, such as around chimneys, vents, skylights, and HVAC units. Damaged or deteriorated flashing can lead to leaks and should be repaired or replaced

Roof Coating

Some commercial roofs have protective coatings to enhance durability and weather resistance. If the coating is worn, damaged, or deteriorated, it may need to be repaired or reapplied to maintain its effectiveness

Roof Deck

The roof deck is the structural foundation of the roof. If it is compromised due to rot, water damage, or structural issues, repairs or reinforcements may be necessary.

Drainage System

Proper roof drainage is critical to prevent water pooling and potential leaks. If gutters, downspouts, or internal drains are clogged, damaged, or improperly installed, repairs may be required to ensure efficient water flow.


Insulation beneath the roof membrane helps regulate temperature and energy efficiency. Any damaged or insufficient insulation should be addressed during the repair process.

Skylights and Roof Accessories

Skylights, vents, HVAC units, and other roof accessories can develop leaks or suffer from general wear and tear. Repairs may involve resealing, replacing gaskets, or fixing any damaged components.

The Different Types of Structural Commercial Roof Repair in Pico Rivera

Structural repairs form an important part of commercial roof repair in Pico Rivera, and they help you to address issues related to the underlying roof structure and support system. These repairs are more involved. Therefore, they require the expertise of Rob Roofing. Here are some common types of structural repairs that we help you with.

Types Of Structural Commercial Roof Repair

Roof Deck Replacement

If the roof deck is damaged, deteriorated, or unable to support the load properly, a complete or partial replacement may be required. This involves removing the existing deck and installing a new one to ensure structural integrity.

Truss or Beam Repair

Trusses or beams that are weakened, damaged, or sagging may need repair or reinforcement. This could involve adding additional support, replacing damaged sections, or reinforcing existing members to restore the structural stability of the roof.

Column or Support Repair

Columns, pillars, or support structures that have deteriorated, shifted, or experienced damage may require repair or replacement. This is crucial for maintaining the overall stability of the roof and ensuring proper weight distribution

Roof Expansion or Reinforcement

In cases where the existing roof needs to support additional loads, such as rooftop equipment or solar panels, structural reinforcement or expansion may be necessary. This could involve adding new supports, reinforcing existing beams, or modifying the roof structure to accommodate the additional weight.

Structural Leak Repair

If leaks are caused by structural issues, such as improper slope or poor drainage, repairing the underlying structure may be necessary to resolve the problem. This could involve adjusting the roof slope, installing additional drains or scuppers, or reconfiguring the roof layout to ensure proper water flow.

Commercial Roof Patching

Commercial roofing patching refers to the process of repairing localized areas of damage or leaks on a commercial roof. It is a common method used to address small issues without the need for extensive repairs or replacement. Here are the general steps involved for this particular type of commercial roof repair in Pico Rivera

Surface Preparation

The damaged area is prepared for patching. This typically involves cleaning the surface to remove debris, dirt, or loose materials. It may also involve removing or trimming any damaged roofing materials, such as torn membranes or deteriorated flashing.

Patch Application

A suitable patching material is selected based on the type of roof and the nature of the damage. Some of the options include roofing cement, specialized patching compounds, or compatible roofing materials. The patching material is applied to the damaged area, ensuring proper adhesion and coverage.

Sealant Application

Depending on the type of patching material used, a sealant or roofing cement may be applied around the edges of the patch to create a watertight seal. This helps prevent water infiltration and ensures the longevity of the repair.

Smooth and Blend

The patched area is smoothed and blended with the surrounding roof surface to create a seamless appearance. This may involve feathering the edges of the patch and ensuring a uniform texture and finish.

Quality Check

Once the patching is complete, a final quality check is performed to ensure the repair is effective and meets the required standards. This includes water testing, thermal imaging, or other methods to verify the integrity of the patched area

Commercial Roof Re-Caulking

Commercial roof re-caulking is the process of replacing or adding a new layer of caulking material around roof penetrations, such as vents, skylights, or chimneys, to create a watertight seal and prevent water infiltration. It is important because proper caulking helps maintain the integrity of the roof, protects against leaks and moisture damage, and extends the lifespan of the roofing system. Here are the steps involved for this particular type of commercial roof re-caulking, their descriptions, and the estimated time we take for each step:

Step Description Time Taken
Inspection A thorough inspection of the roof is conducted to identify areas that require re-caulking. This includes checking for deteriorated or cracked caulking around penetrations. 1-2 hours
Surface Preparation The area to be re-caulked is prepared by cleaning and removing old caulking. The surface is thoroughly dried to ensure proper adhesion of the new caulking material. 1-2 hours
Caulking Application A high-quality caulking material, compatible with the roofing system, is applied to the prepared area. It is carefully applied to ensure complete coverage and a watertight seal. 2-3 hours
Curing Time The newly applied caulking material is allowed to cure as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. This ensures optimal bonding and durability. 24-48 hours
Final Inspection A final inspection is conducted to ensure the re-caulking is done correctly, with no gaps or areas of concern. This helps ensure the effectiveness of the repair. 1-2 hours


Yes, as a professional contractor for commercial roof repair in Pico Rivera, we do offer guarantees or warranties on our roof repair services. The specific guarantees can vary depending on the type of repair performed. Common types of guarantees may include workmanship warranties, which cover the quality of the repair and any related issues that may arise within a certain period of time. Additionally, you might also get material warranties provided by the manufacturers of the roofing materials used in the repair.

Emergency commercial roof repair in Pico Rivera should be sought in situations where immediate action is necessary to prevent further damage or potential safety hazards. Some instances that may require emergency roof repair include severe storm damage, major leaks or water infiltration, structural damage, or any other situation where the integrity of the roof is compromised. It’s important to address these issues promptly to minimize potential risks and prevent further deterioration of the roofing system.

Description of Work: You will get a detailed description of the repair work that will be performed on your commercial roof, including the specific tasks, materials to be used, and any additional services such as debris removal or site clean-up.

Cost Breakdown: The estimate would break down the costs associated with the repair. This may include labor costs, material costs, equipment rental fees (if applicable), and any other charges such as permits or disposal fees. It’s important to review the cost breakdown to understand how the total estimate is calculated.

Timeline: The estimate will provide an estimated timeline for the completion of the repair work. This can give you an idea of how long the project is expected to take and help you plan accordingly.

Terms and Conditions: The estimate would outline the terms and conditions of the repair project. This may include payment terms, any warranties or guarantees offered, and any specific conditions or requirements related to the repair work.

Additional Recommendations: In some cases, the estimate may include recommendations for additional repairs or maintenance that are not included in the immediate scope of work. These recommendations may be based on our assessment of the overall condition of your roof.

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